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Year End Life Reflections

Living Life To The Fullest: A white woman sitting with arms raised in the air on the edge of a cliff at Horseshoe Bend.

The last Quick & Delish Life meal planning session of the year was about the following life reflections, which are essential pillars of health and self-care. Using these pillars, you can be the captain of your life by taking care of yourself. Taking the time to reflect is a valuable investment in how you want to live your life. The below questions act as a tool to help determine which area you’d like to focus on – what needs the most attention right now?

Essential Pillars of Health & Self-Care for Life


A black woman sleeping and looking very comfortable in her bed.
Sleeping in Bed

We need 7-8 hours of daily rest and recovery. If we don’t get enough rest, our body operates from a place of stress, which influences our reactions and choices throughout the day.

  • How did you sleep last night?
  • What rituals or habits before bedtime positively or negatively impacted your sleep?

If sleep needs attention, what is one thing you could do?

Nutrition & Hydration

We eat to provide our bodies with enough energy and nutrients to function well. Around 60% of our body is water; replacing the water we lose everyday supports our immune system and decreases stress on our bodies.

  • What did you eat today and how did you feel during and after eating? 
  • How much water did you drink today?

If nutrition & hydration needs attention, what one change could you make that’s do-able?


Daily movement is essential. Consistent movement throughout the day can increase overall mood and energy, increase metabolism, and reduce stress. Movement also contributes to increased flexibility and strength which can reduce the risk of injury.

  • Reflect on your movement today. What forms of movement did you engage in, and how did it contribute to your energy levels or how you feel?

If movement needs attention, what is one thing you could do?

Intentional Moments

In our busy lives it’s necessary to stop and take a moment to breathe, be present, and reflect. This can look different for everyone. Journaling, deep breathing, and meditation are ideas to get started.

  • Did you practice a mindfulness exercise today?
  • How did intentional moments impact your stress levels or overall well-being?

If your intentional moments need attention, what is one thing you could do?


Four friends in winter wear having fun riding downhill in the snow during a winter weekend.
Winter Weekend

Life needs balance. We need to laugh and have a good time. Fun can reduce stress and take some of the seriousness away from life.

  • What moments of joy or fun did you experience today, no matter how small?
  • How can you incorporate more moments of joy into your daily routine?

If fun needs attention, what is one thing you could do?

Family, Friends, & Social Life

Humans are social beings. Connecting and sharing experiences with others is essential for our mental and emotional health. One small idea: reach out to someone you haven’t connected with in a while via phone, text, or email to say hi.

  • Did your level of connection and social interaction match your needs today? 

If family, friends, and social life needs attention, what is one thing you could do?

Growth & Learning

Our brains need to be challenged. Learning new things helps our brain’s neuroplasticity (health and flexibility). 

  • What new thing(s) did you learn today, whether big or small?
  • How did you challenge yourself to grow or expand?

If growth & learning needs attention, what is one thing you could do?

Giving & Community

Volunteers serving food at a community kitchen.
Community Kitchen

Being part of something, like an organization, can contribute to a sense of purpose. Acts of kindness, like opening the door for someone or smiling at someone nearby, are a way of giving that doesn’t involve money.

  • In what ways did you contribute to others’ lives or your community today?
  • How did acts of kindness or generosity impact your sense of fulfillment?

If giving & community needs attention, what is one thing you could do?


Having a sense of purpose is important to feel connected to yourself and contributes to your authentic self. 

  • Did your actions today reflect your sense of purpose? 
  • How aligned were your activities with your broader life goals and values?

If purpose needs attention, what is one thing you could do?

Reflecting & Takeaways 

Time for reflecting: Closeup of a young woman taking a break from hiking to rest and reflect.
Time for Reflecting

These pillars of health and self-care can make a big impact on helping you focus on what’s important to you (and might look different from a friend completing the same reflection exercise!). This might be reaching you in the new year – a time when many people choose to make resolutions and aim to improve the quality of their life – and these reflections are worth doing at any time and at regular intervals (weekly, monthly, etc.). 

Quick & Delish Life Meal Planning is now Quick & Delish Life Sessions!

We see meal planning as an aspect of life that helps create space and energy for other, important things. To receive meal planning tips, recipe ideas, and to learn about Quick & Delish Life events, join my email list.

To learn about creating your own simple, healthy meal planning system and getting support to meet your health goals, schedule a free one-on-one Nutrition for Wellness Strategy Session with me! 

Cheers to your health,


By Alicia Connor, MA / Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & Chef

By Alicia Connor, MA / Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & Chef

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Author Bio

Alicia Connor a pretty brunette with dark wavy shoulder-length hair wearing a denim jacket as she leans on a kitchen counter with assorted veggies in front of her.
Alicia Connor

Alicia Connor is a registered dietitian nutritionist and chef who is passionate about encouraging lifestyle shifts with a focus on meal planning and simplifying healthy eating. Alicia built a career as a chef, including working at a top San Francisco restaurant. As a young adult facing hereditary vision loss, she took control and pivoted to another career as a dietitian to grow roots deeper than ‘just cooking.’ She has seen the impact of meal planning and nutrition in her clients over the years, often through their increased energy, empowered weight loss journeys, and freedom to pursue more of their passions due to increased confidence.

Moving away from the mindset of dieting, Alicia helps clients build a toolkit of strategies to reduce stress and increase peace of mind. She supports her clients through one-on-one sessions and a virtual meal planning program to build helpful habits and create actionable plans to meet their goals.

‘Quick & Delish by Alicia Connor’ is a video cooking series on YouTube where Alicia presents easy recipes with minimal steps for flavorful, balanced meals. 

Image Descriptions

  • Header: Living Life To The Fullest: A white woman sitting with arms raised in the air on the edge of a cliff at Horseshoe Bend in Arizona.
  • A black woman sleeping and looking very comfortable in her bed.
  • Four friends in winter wear having fun riding downhill in the snow during a winter weekend.
  • Volunteers serving food at a community kitchen.
  • Time for reflecting: Closeup of a young woman taking a break from hiking to rest and reflect.
  • Author photo: Alicia Connor a pretty brunette with dark wavy shoulder-length hair wearing a denim jacket as she leans on a kitchen counter with assorted veggies in front of her.

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