Rose-Ann Lyons | Blind Beauty Issue 12

Rose-Ann Lyons | Blind Beauty Issue 12

“I walked in, was approached, and welcomed by such warm, kind, people.  I relaxed!  No more panic!  The “fun”,  the “joy”, the “excitement” began!!  When I arrived, I was asked what I wanted to do.  I have never curled before so I said I was there to learn to Curl with the Curling Team for the Blind.”  

Description: Featured image is a mock magazine cover titled Blind Beauty. Action shot of Rose-Ann curling is on the cover. She’s looking like a pro, on this ice wearing a black and white outfit.

Blocks of text superimposed on Rose-Ann’s photo are: “Bold | She Keeps Pressing Onward,” “Blind | She Has Deeper Insight,” “Beautiful | She Sees To The Heart Of Others”