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Mja Stæinarr | Blind Beauty Issue 33

Mja Stæinarr

Mja Stæinarr | Blind Beauty Issue 33

I recently connected with lovely Freelance Makeup Artist, Mja Stæinarr, on Instagram. Even though she lives with multiple chronic illnesses and debilitating pain she is passionate about her craft.

Following is a quote Mja typically uses when talking about blindness:

“Blindness isn’t just a lack of vision, or darkness. Despite everything the world knows about blindness, sometimes you need others who understand your darkness to show you how bright and beautiful being blind can be.” ~Mja Stæinarr

Blind Beauty Issue 33 Featured Image Description:

Featured image is a mock magazine cover titled Blind Beauty. Gorgeous Mja Stæinarr is on the cover with her makeup on point. She has long dark hair, dark eyes, well-defined dark eyebrows and deep burgundy lip color.

Blocks of text superimposed on the photo are: “Bold | She Keeps Pressing Onward,” “Blind | She Has Deeper Insight,” “Beautiful | She Sees To The Heart Of Others”

You can follow Mja on her following Instagram accounts:


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